Thousands of fans come to see Nadal practice ahead of the French Open

Views: | Time:2024-06-04 00:53:47

PARIS (AP) — Vanessa Peltier got up at dawn and traveled 500 kilometers (310 miles) to Paris from the Creuse region of central France just so she could watch Rafael Nadal practice on Tuesday.

Along with thousands of other fans, she lined up outside the main court to catch a glimpse of the Spanish champion at what’s expected to be his final appearance at the French Open, a tournament he’s won a record 14 times.

“I woke up at 6 a.m. and drove from the middle of France to be here,” said Peltier, 50. “Nadal has always had my support, and the support of France.”

The line stretched for 200 meters (yards) as fans queued up for Nadal’s second day of practice at Roland Garros. Morgan Chevallier said he waited for 45 minutes to get inside the tennis stadium.

“I could not pass on this opportunity. He is almost bigger than the tournament itself,” he said.

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